Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Blog Post #8

I have not served on a jury myself, but this story regarding courtrooms and Twitter got me thinking about what that experience would be like. This article on Cnet News mentions how courts are complaining about Twitter and blogs compromising the integrity of trials. In various cases, there have been multiple jurors found to have “tweeted” during and after trials, as well as having posted on blogs. Attorneys apparently check the sites and blogs of potential jurors (this made me cringe). Additionally, some jurors were caught using their iPhones and Blackberrys to do research. A piece in the NY Times says that jurors are not supposed to look for any other information regarding the case - that they must reach a verdict based solely on the evidence that is presented to them within the courtroom walls.

Although I don’t have experience with all of this, I think I agree that jurors should not be doing outside research. While I realize that not all the facts may be presented during a trial, and that someone may get frustrated and let their curiosity get the best of them, I also realize that not all jurors have access to the Internet. So, it would seem a bit alarming if some jurors were reaching a verdict based on courtroom evidence, while others used that in addition to what they Googled. And while I of course support intellectual freedom, and one's right to express opinions and impart information, it just doesn't seem right that jurors would blog or "tweet" about the trial. Aren't they not supposed to discuss it? Or are these blogs/Twitter really hurting anything? But I also admit that it would be impossible to know what all jury members were doing every minute of the day. Ideally, they would all take this duty seriously and be as honest and cooperative as possible. But with today’s technologies and the fact that people (generally) can both access and give information instantly, I can’t help but wonder if the court system will have to adjust their rules and regulations.


Gretchen said...
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Maywin said...

I never thought of the court system coming of technological age. I always just assumed that they had.

Mary Alice Ball said...

I got as far as being questioned to be on a jury a year or so ago but have never actually served. It's hard for me to believe that people are tweeting while they're in the court room. Just getting as far as I did we had to go through all sorts of admonitions and instructions. Am I overreacting to think that there should be some kind of penalty (shades of elementary school - your phone will be taken away until the trial is over)? The integrity of our legal system is at risk.